Wednesday, May 11, 2016

CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST in the Data Solutions Showcase

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

OPENING KEYNOTE - Reimagining the World Through Data

9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.

Kalev Hannes LeetaruHow does Big Data change how we view the world? Data mining expert Kalev Leetaru looks at how large datasets and computing platforms allow us to reimagine our world. He’s looked at news as emotion, the geography of social media, cultural computing, and cities as geographic networks. Big Data, the algorithms that control data discovery, and the data-driven economy change how we interact with information.

Kalev Hannes Leetaru, GDELT Project, Forbes Columnist, GDELT Project

KEYNOTE Sponsored by Amazon Web Services

9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Managed Database Services on AWS

George JohnIn addition to running databases in Amazon EC2, AWS customers can choose among a variety of managed database services. These services save effort, save time, and unlock new capabilities and economies. In this session, we make it easy to understand how they differ, what they have in common, and how to choose one or more. We explain the fundamentals of Amazon DynamoDB, a fully managed NoSQL database service; Amazon RDS, a relational database service in the cloud; Amazon ElastiCache, a fast, in-memory caching service in the cloud; and Amazon Redshift, a fully managed, petabyte-scale data-warehouse solution that can be surprisingly economical.

George John, Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services, Inc.

COFFEE BREAK in the Data Solutions Showcase

10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

Track A — Moving to a Modern Data Architecture

Moderator: John O'Brien, Principal Advisor & Industry Analyst, Radiant Advisors

A201: Machine Learning and the Internet of Things

10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a hot new frontier that enables data to flow in from more and more places. Innovative companies will embrace IoT for competitive advantage by leveraging it to create new business models and sources of value. Find out what you need to know now to gain value from machine learning and IoT.

Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning

Organizations have used data warehouses to manage structured and operational data, which provides business analysts with the ability to analyze key internal data and spot trends. However, the explosion of newer data sources (big data) not only challenges the role of the traditional data warehouse in analyzing data from these diverse sources but also exposes limitations posed by traditional software and hardware platforms. This newer data can be combined with the data in the data warehouse and analyzed without creating another data silo and creating a hybrid data analytics structure. This presentation discusses the data mining and advanced analytics techniques that enables the data to be monetized across this platform.

Satya Bhamidipati, Director, Business Development, Big Data and Advanced Analytics, Oracle

A202: Data Modeling for the Data- Intensive Enterprise

11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Big Data is changing many of the rules about data modeling. Find out what the key considerations and techniques are today for data modeling in an increasingly data-intensive world.

Bridging the Gap With Business Data Objects

When data modeling first evolved as a discipline, the primary focus was to specify the definition and format of data, enabling the development of information systems. As corporate environments have become very complex, data architecture has shifted to provide integration between and across many systems, as well as a foundation for data warehouses, business intelligence, and analytics. This session discusses the concept of business data objects (BDOs), and how they can add clarity as a logical and physical modeling construct, through to physical implementation in architectural frameworks, and serve as a common basis to facilitate discussion of real-world concepts with business stakeholders.

Ron Huizenga, Senior Product Manager, Idera

LUNCH PRESENTATION: When to Use What? A Comparison and Considerations When Choosing an In-Memory Database

12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Not all "In-memory" databases are built equally. Different vendors use different techniques to accomplish this and in this session, we will explore their capabilities. Understanding the truth behind the marketing hype is the first step in helping you decide which database is suitable for your organization.

Liwen Yeow, WW DB2-SAP Technical Sales Manager, IBM

George Baklarz, Program Director, coreDB Technical Sales Support, IBM

A203: Overcoming Big Data Integration Challenges

2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

With the growth of Big Data variety, so too, comes complexity. The proliferation of Big Data sources and data types is a problem for many organizations. In order to extract meaningful insights and truly put Big Data to work, they must overcome Big Data integration challenges, and learn more about real-world approaches and best practices.

Structured and Unstructured—Better Together

This talk presents approaches for—and potential advantages of—combining the strategies and features of structured (Big Data) and unstructured (enterprise search) technologies. The presentation offers new ideas on how to fully leverage the knowledge buried in unstructured information and use your Big Data expertise in “other” enterprise applications and introduces you to the core search concepts such as linguistics and relevancy—all with usable examples.

Jana Mitkovska, Project Manager, Raytion

Sebastian Klatt, Senior Consultant, Raytion GmbH

A204: The Internet of Things Cross-Fire Panel

3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.

Cisco has projected that, by 2020, there will be 50 billion connected things, including phones and tablets, as well as other objects and devices that can sense and share information. And, an EMC-sponsored report proposes that between 2013 and 2020, the digital universe will have expanded tenfold, from 4.4 trillion gigabytes to 44 trillion gigabytes. IoT has far-reaching implications, spanning data management, integration, and analytics, as well as data security and governance.

Joe Caserta, Founding President, Caserta

George Corugedo, CTO, RedPoint Global Inc.

CLOSING KEYNOTE - Disruption at the Speed of Data

4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

During the conference, we've heard about the challenges Big Data, smaller data, and open data pose for businesses, government, and organizations. Technologies such as Hadoop, machine learning, query languages, Apache Spark, data lakes, the IoT, virtualization, and the cloud hold promise but also carry the possibility of disruption. Creating a strategy that acknowledges changes in the world around us, not just the technology, requires an understanding of business disruption, capability by design, and a platform of speed. O'Brien talks about the new mindset regarding data necessary to take advantage of the technologies, techniques, and business processes required to capitalize on these innovations and reach its full potential. His keynote puts this all in perspective to encourage action. Everyone attending the closing keynote receives a copy of the “Data Lakes Adoption and Maturity Survey Findings Report” and is entered into a drawing to win an Apple iPad Pro. One winner will be announced at the conclusion of the event and must be present to win.

John O'Brien, Principal Advisor & Industry Analyst, Radiant Advisors

Track B — Analytics and Applications

Moderator: Lindy Ryan, Professor & Research Faculty, Montclair State University; Rutgers University

CLOSING KEYNOTE - Disruption at the Speed of Data

4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

During the conference, we've heard about the challenges Big Data, smaller data, and open data pose for businesses, government, and organizations. Technologies such as Hadoop, machine learning, query languages, Apache Spark, data lakes, the IoT, virtualization, and the cloud hold promise but also carry the possibility of disruption. Creating a strategy that acknowledges changes in the world around us, not just the technology, requires an understanding of business disruption, capability by design, and a platform of speed. O'Brien talks about the new mindset regarding data necessary to take advantage of the technologies, techniques, and business processes required to capitalize on these innovations and reach its full potential. His keynote puts this all in perspective to encourage action. Everyone attending the closing keynote receives a copy of the “Data Lakes Adoption and Maturity Survey Findings Report” and is entered into a drawing to win an Apple iPad Pro. One winner will be announced at the conclusion of the event and must be present to win.

John O'Brien, Principal Advisor & Industry Analyst, Radiant Advisors

B201: Succeeding With Predictive Analytics

10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Today, organizations of all types hope to use data to make better decisions and support more favorable outcomes in the future. One increasingly popular approach is predictive analytics, which can help with detecting insurance fraud, improving customer retention, and reducing financial risk.

Seven Pitfalls in Building a Predictive Analytics Capability: A Zurich Case Study

One of the biggest challenges with predictive analytics (PA) is that it suffers from silver bullet syndrome. No one knows what it is, but everyone thinks it can do anything. So all are then greatly offended when PA fails—as it always will—to do everything. At Zurich NA, chief data scientist and PA program director Conor Jensen worked with Knowledgent’s analytics and visualization practice lead Scott Lee to cure PA of that disease—at least within commercial product underwriting. Jensen and Lee organize their talk around seven deadly pitfalls—choices or strategies that, if done poorly, will absolutely flatline your PA capability. Sidestepped and handled deftly, those pitfalls can provide you with valuable experience aligning PA with your business needs.

Scott Lee, Practice Lead & Informationist, Knowledgent

Conor Jensen, Analytics Operations Lead, Zurich NA

Widen Your Scope: Time to Tap Into Your Unstructured Data for Better Insight

In today’s organizations, 80–90% of enterprise data is “unstructured,” hosted on premises, in the cloud, or with mixed infrastructures. Unstructured data is often composed of texts in different languages—documents, publications, reports, and emails—along with rich-media content like videos, images, and audio. Statistical analysis of this content cannot extract enough value. Going beyond “classic” BI tools using a multilingual insight engine can deliver substantial ROI. This presentation highlights how large organizations leverage a cognitively enabled search and analytics platform to tap into massive amounts of data in complex environments to speed up R&D efforts, accelerate clinical trials and drug delivery, reduce churn, and improve customer service while reducing its cost. With machine learning at its core, an insight platform helps deliver deeper analytics of contents and user behavior, offering information with continually improving relevance to users in their work environments.

Laurent Fanichet, VP - Marketing, Sinequa

B202: Gaining Customer Value From Big Data

11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Next-generation technologies are addressing emerging real-world Big Data challenges such as real-time data processing, interactive analysis, data integration, governance, and security. Before a new Big Data project is initiated, it is important to consider the steps involved to achieve success and value, as well as organizational buy-in.

Focusing on Time-To-Value in Big Data Deployments

Enterprises working to take advantage of Big Data technologies frequently become distracted by product- level decisions: What hardware, which distribution, who will build and run the environment? In most new Big-Data builds, this approach is counter-productive: It presupposes tools that may not be a fit for development teams; it forces IT to take on the burden of evaluating and maintaining a new and unfamiliar technology; and, most importantly, it represents an up-front expense that requires new “Big Data” initiatives to show value from a position of up-front capital and operational debt. Join this session to learn how to enhance time-to-value in Big Data deployments.

Sanjay Jagad, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Coho Data

A Big Step Towards the Value of Your Data

Big data initiatives often need to make a business case first but have only a vague idea about the data sources they will rely on and the quality of information they hold. To overcome this catch-22 situation, enterprise search solutions and search-based applications are a perfect first step to get the necessary insights into your data. Join this session to learn how big data technologies can empower search-based applications and how you can leverage your enterprise search investments to assess the value of big data initiatives.

Benjamin Klatt, Senior Consultant, Raytion GmbH

LUNCH PRESENTATION: When to Use What? A Comparison and Considerations When Choosing an In-Memory Database

12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Not all "In-memory" databases are built equally. Different vendors use different techniques to accomplish this and in this session, we will explore their capabilities. Understanding the truth behind the marketing hype is the first step in helping you decide which database is suitable for your organization.

Liwen Yeow, WW DB2-SAP Technical Sales Manager, IBM

George Baklarz, Program Director, coreDB Technical Sales Support, IBM

B203: Overcoming BI Limitations

2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

As organizations increasingly depend on data to enhance decision making and increase efficiencies, selecting the right tools and infrastructure can help avoid BI limitations and expand opportunities.

Innovating Analytics: From In-Memory to In-Chip

In-memory computing was a major innovation for Business Intelligence (BI), but as users and data sets grow exponentially and became more complex, the technology encountered serious limitations. To improve query performance while still enabling non-technical business users to query any data sets is the BI challenge. At the heart of this problem is the fact that in-memory technologies come with a trade-off: They enable much better query performance, but only for limited amounts of data. Overcoming this constraint led to the development of in-chip technologies that continue to deliver on query performance, while also enabling business users to easily apply these performance benefits. This talk presents several of the in-chip technologies developed for business users enabling them to get a handle on complex data sets, and best practices for leveraging these technologies to drive greater value and ROI from complex data.

Jeremy Sokolic, VP Product, SiSense

SQL in Hadoop: To Boldly Go Where No Data Warehouse Has Gone Before?

Originally designed for big data storage and processing, many organizations are now looking to SQL in Hadoop solutions as a replacement to their traditional MPP databases. In this 15 minute session you will hear of some of the fascinating use cases for SQL in Hadoop based on real-world customer examples. You will also be provided with a checklist of items to consider when selecting a SQL in Hadoop solution that meets your enterprise requirements.

Emma McGrattan, CTO, Actian

B204: The Future of Analytics Panel

3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.

Everyone talks about getting more value from data, but what does that really mean? New analytics techniques are emerging that can support a host of use cases. Find out where the future of analytics is headed, and what you need to know now in order to get there.

Anne Buff, Business Solutions Manager, SAS Best Practices, SAS Institute

Matt Laudato, Director, Big Data & Analytics, Constant Contact

Robin Augustine Thottungal, Chief Data Scientist, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Track C — What Big Data Means for Oracle Business Intelligence

Moderator: Coleman Leviter, Oracle database Developer, IOUG

CLOSING KEYNOTE - Disruption at the Speed of Data

4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

During the conference, we've heard about the challenges Big Data, smaller data, and open data pose for businesses, government, and organizations. Technologies such as Hadoop, machine learning, query languages, Apache Spark, data lakes, the IoT, virtualization, and the cloud hold promise but also carry the possibility of disruption. Creating a strategy that acknowledges changes in the world around us, not just the technology, requires an understanding of business disruption, capability by design, and a platform of speed. O'Brien talks about the new mindset regarding data necessary to take advantage of the technologies, techniques, and business processes required to capitalize on these innovations and reach its full potential. His keynote puts this all in perspective to encourage action. Everyone attending the closing keynote receives a copy of the “Data Lakes Adoption and Maturity Survey Findings Report” and is entered into a drawing to win an Apple iPad Pro. One winner will be announced at the conclusion of the event and must be present to win.

John O'Brien, Principal Advisor & Industry Analyst, Radiant Advisors

C201: Utilizing Hadoop Data Warehouse in Oracle BI Architecture

10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

In the new era of Big Data, more companies are looking at HDFS as a solution to data storage and management. IT companies such as Hortonworks and Cloudera are packaging up the toolsets in order to provide solutions to the limitations that have previously prevented Hadoop from becoming the replacement for traditional data warehousing. OBIA and BDD have capabilities to display data for analysis directly from HDFS, and ODI has built-in Knowledge Modules to HDFS. With more organizations moving to HDFS, Oracle can leverage BI in a Big Data infrastructure framework.  

Jason Proto, BAS Consulting-Senior Associate, Grant Thornton

C202: Text Mining Tips & Techniques

11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Hadoop is enabling companies to store all kinds of structured and unstructured data—hence popularity and demand for text mining continues to grow. This presentation demonstrates various text mining methods for mining unstructured data and creating valuable insights using Python. This presentation will not only help understand different types of text mining techniques using examples and demo but also demonstrate how to apply various machine learning and sentiment analysis techniques on the data.

Bob Stanoch, Big Data Sr. Sales Consulting Manager, Oracle

LUNCH PRESENTATION: When to Use What? A Comparison and Considerations When Choosing an In-Memory Database

12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Not all "In-memory" databases are built equally. Different vendors use different techniques to accomplish this and in this session, we will explore their capabilities. Understanding the truth behind the marketing hype is the first step in helping you decide which database is suitable for your organization.

Liwen Yeow, WW DB2-SAP Technical Sales Manager, IBM

George Baklarz, Program Director, coreDB Technical Sales Support, IBM

C203: Modern Data Architecture

2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

The lifecycle of data remains constant, but the speed, variety, and technology has advanced. Governance principles matter for finance, and are adapted to handle customer and operational content. The changing business environment requires companies to put more sophisticated reporting and analytics platforms in place to accommodate the increased amount of data and information available from a variety of sources. The explosion of not only the amount of data available to us but the amount of data that we need to explore and analyze to meet our business needs has quickly passed the capacity of traditional legacy tools and technologies—particularly ETL and Data Warehousing platforms. There are so many elements to consider, and no pre-written playbook to follow. But there are more best practices being recognized every day, and value realized by those organizations that are moving boldly ahead with a modern data architecture, including data discovery and data governance. Learn from actual use cases how companies have leveraged data discovery through big data lakes to reduce costs, to improve customer satisfaction, to create new revenue streams. If you are hoping to unlock the power of big data in your organization this is a must-attend session.

Chris Schultz, Director, Business Analytics, Grant Thornton

C204: The Intersection of Big Data, IoT, and Oracle Edge Analytics

3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.

The emerging Internet of Thing (IoT) is connecting a new wave of devices-from industrial sensors and wearable devices to retail cameras-to the internet. The data from these devices can reduce costs, increase revenue, and improve customer service, but only if that data can be analyzed and acted on quickly. This session discusses how to solve such problems using IoT Platform, Industrial grade security, cloud computing, Big Data, and Oracle Edge Analytics. Learn how to gather the business requirements, sources of data, and security and compliance needs for the end-to-end solutions using industry use-cases.

Pravin Patil, Managing Partner, Kapstone

Harish Jangada, Managing Partner, Kapstone

Virtualization Day

Moderator: Joe McKendrick, Principal Researcher, Unisphere Research

CLOSING KEYNOTE - Disruption at the Speed of Data

4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

During the conference, we've heard about the challenges Big Data, smaller data, and open data pose for businesses, government, and organizations. Technologies such as Hadoop, machine learning, query languages, Apache Spark, data lakes, the IoT, virtualization, and the cloud hold promise but also carry the possibility of disruption. Creating a strategy that acknowledges changes in the world around us, not just the technology, requires an understanding of business disruption, capability by design, and a platform of speed. O'Brien talks about the new mindset regarding data necessary to take advantage of the technologies, techniques, and business processes required to capitalize on these innovations and reach its full potential. His keynote puts this all in perspective to encourage action. Everyone attending the closing keynote receives a copy of the “Data Lakes Adoption and Maturity Survey Findings Report” and is entered into a drawing to win an Apple iPad Pro. One winner will be announced at the conclusion of the event and must be present to win.

John O'Brien, Principal Advisor & Industry Analyst, Radiant Advisors

V201: The Cloud Landscape Today

10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Cloud is no longer a cutting-edge, disruptive technology. Today, it’s mainstream, and IT services of all types are being offered at all levels of the cloud stack. Find out what you need to know as you leverage key IT services in the cloud.

Trends & Lessons Learned When Choosing a Cloud Provider

AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google, and Verizon Cloud have had a number of outages that have taken down companies such as Netflix, Amazon, and Reddit and temporarily put them out of business. These early adopters to the cloud have been forced to rethink their cloud strategies. Amazon Web Services tells companies that they should move everything to the cloud, and yet The Wall Street Journal disclosed that Amazon does not follow its own advice of being 100% cloud. This session discusses recent cloud trends, the lessons learned from these events, and what it means to you as a buyer moving forward as you migrate to the cloud.

Michael J Corey, President, Ntirety – A HOSTING Company

Don Sullivan, Product Line Manager, Business Critical Applications, Broadcom (VMware)

Double Developer Productivity With Virtual Data

Test data management (TDM) has become a huge bottleneck in the increasingly fast world of agile and DevOps. But now agile speed can be achieved with virtual data, which is a way of sharing one immutable copy of data among many clones of the data. If a clone modifies data, the new data is stored privately for that clone. Each new clone initially takes up no storage, so many copies can be made for almost free. Such sharing and change tracking allows data to be treated like code source control with branching, bookmarking, versioning, refreshing, rollbacking, etc. A number of companies have doubled their development productivity through virtual data. Find out how, and benefit from the path these innovators have blazed.

Kyle Hailey, Technical Evangelist, Delphix

V202: Increasing Agility Through Virtualization

11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Enterprise use of virtualization is expanding. There is server virtualization, data virtualization, database virtualization, desktop virtualization, and virtualization of IT infrastructure in support of the software-defined data center. The reason for adoption is cost reduction and increased agility to better respond to changing business and market requirements. Find out how virtualization can improve your organization’s agility.

Modernizing Data Architectures With Data Virtualization to Improve Business Agility

Data virtualization is an important technology to accelerate the time-to-results for new business processes and integrating legacy and newer systems. Data virtualization provides a single logical data access across multiple data sources enabling rapid delivery of complete information to business users. CIT Group created a data services layer to integrate new data sources, minimize data replication, and inject business agility within the regulatory compliance process.

BJ Fesq, Chief Data Officer, CIT Group

Ravi Shankar, Chief Marketing Officer, Denodo Technologies

LUNCH PRESENTATION: When to Use What? A Comparison and Considerations When Choosing an In-Memory Database

12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Not all "In-memory" databases are built equally. Different vendors use different techniques to accomplish this and in this session, we will explore their capabilities. Understanding the truth behind the marketing hype is the first step in helping you decide which database is suitable for your organization.

Liwen Yeow, WW DB2-SAP Technical Sales Manager, IBM

George Baklarz, Program Director, coreDB Technical Sales Support, IBM

V203: Securing the Cloud

2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

As cloud deployments become more commonplace, it’s important for organizations to know what safeguards are available to ensure high availability and to protect data from hackers and internal breaches, as well as to be assured that data is being stored according to laws governing transfer of data across geographies. Key considerations in cloud deployments change all the time. What do you need to know now?

A Cloud Framework for Industries With Highly Secure Data—Private, Hybrid, or Public?

Cloud computing is a promising paradigm for delivering computing utilities as services. Just as personal computers and servers shook up the world of mainframes and minicomputers, or as smartphones and tablets revolutionized the mobile commerce industry, cloud computing is bringing similar, far-reaching changes to the licensing and provisioning of infrastructure and to methodologies for application development, deployment, and delivery.

Rao S Kasinadhuni, Database Technologist, Vice President, JPMorgan

V204: Big Data and Cloud

3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.

The worlds of cloud computing and Big Data are converging, and sophisticated organizations are finding ways to take advantage of both. However, moving Big Data to the cloud brings challenges as well as opportunities.

Implementing a Cloud-Based Data Ecosystem

As RetailMeNot’s operations have grown, the company encountered problems with data access, scaling its data warehouse, and processing large-scale datasets. Retail- MeNot has adopted cloud data management strategies dramatically changing the way it processes data. The company re-architected its data ecosystem to leverage a metadata repository, S3, to simplify data loading, adopt ephemeral processing systems, and open access to information across the company. This session analyzes RetailMeNot’s data ecosystem before and after harnessing Redshift, EMR, Boto, and S3 to implement a modern data ecosystem in AWS.

Nam Nguyen, Staff Data Engineer, RetailMeNot

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