Unlocking the Power of the Data Lake

Unlocking the Power of the Data Lake

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 - 11:00am PT / 2:00pm ET

Our industry loves buzzwords, and the "data lake" is no exception. Hyped, deliberated and disputed, the concept of the data lake itself is quite simple. Instead of placing your data in purpose-built data stores, you put it in a data lake in its original format. By doing this, you remove the upfront costs of data ingestion and make data available to everyone at your organization for their various analytical needs. Can you imagine a world without data silos?

But theory is different than reality. The reality that many organizations face today is that the desire for speed and access must be balanced against the need for governance and security. This does not negate the value of the data lake. But for the data lake to deliver its full potential to enterprises, it must be thought of and managed more as an enterprise data library, not a data dumping ground.

To explain how current data architectures will transform into modern data platforms, Database Trends and Applications is hosting a special roundtable webcast on October 22nd, "Unlocking the Power of the Data Lake." Attendees will learn how existing information management principles are merging with new practices around big data and analytics to deliver on the promise of providing a unified platform for data discovery, data science and enterprise business intelligence.

Sign up to reserve your seat today!

Audio is streamed over the Internet, so turn up your computer speakers!
Reiner Kappenberger
Global Product Management
HP Security Voltage
Emma McGrattan
SVP Engineering
Pete Aven
Principal Sales Engineer
Stephen Faig
Research Director
Unisphere Research and DBTA
