Diving into the Data Lake |
11:00am PT / 2:00pm ET |
The hype around date lakes is growing. Increasingly championed as a key requirement for realizing the promise of big data, the idea is simple. Instead of incurring the upfront time and costs involved in transforming and loading data into a purpose-built data store, enterprises can store data in its raw form in a data lake until they need it. The goal of the data lake is to reduce data silos and increase analytical agility by making data immediately available to everyone in a central, enterprise-wide reservoir.
Stephen Faig
Business Development Manager
Unisphere Research and DBTA
To educate its readers about the key technologies, features, best practices and pitfalls to consider when evaluating a data lake approach, Database Trends and Applications is hosting a special roundtable webcast on October 23rd. Three sponsoring organizations will be given the opportunity to present their unique solutions.
Reserve your seat today.
Audio is streamed over the Internet, so turn up your computer speakers! |
Rich Reimer
VP of Marketing and Product Management
Splice Machine |
Rodan Zadeh
Director of Product Marketing
Attunity |
George Corugedo
Chief Technology Officer & Co-Founder
RedPoint Global Inc. |