THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2014 |
11:00am PT / 2:00pm ET |
From finance to healthcare, telecom to retail, the challenge of turning data into actionable insight in real time continues to grow alongside the increase in data organizations are retaining today. While the value of real-time analytics is easily understood, many businesses are struggling with the limitations of traditional technologies and approaches. In fact, one-third of enterprises polled by Unisphere Research on this subject reported significant technology barriers to achieving real-time data.
New technologies and approaches are necessary to succeed with real-time analytics in the era of big data. Join us for this special webcast on April 17th to learn about the key technologies, how they work, and how they are enabling businesses in the real world to act on data in ways not possible before.
Reserve your seat today.
Audio is streamed over the Internet, so turn up your computer speakers! |
Stephen Faig
Business Development Manager
Unisphere Research and DBTA |
Dan Potter
Vice President of Product Marketing
Datawatch Corporation |
Cihan Biyikoglu
Product Manager
Couchbase |