Capacity Planning Done Right for SQL Server


THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2018- 11 am PT / 2 pm ET

Capacity planning, especially when done for SQL Server, is not for the faint of heart. Storage and disk capacity are apparent, but when you want to right-size your database(s) for a new SQL implementation or migration, there is a lot more to think about than space. Of course, you need to consider sizing and future growth. Also, we also have to consider design, configuration, and other essential resources to ensure your new SQL Server is performing optimally.

Join Dan Cardno to learn how IDERA SQL Diagnostic Manager can help you gather data concerning the current usage and growth trends of databases for capacity planning.

Register Today for this discussion titled Capacity Planning Done Right for SQL Server.

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Dan Cardno
Sales Engineer
Stephen Faig
Business Development Manager
Unisphere Research
and DBTA
