The Linux Executive Report from IBM
August 18, 2010

The Linux Executive Report from IBM: August 18, 2010. A monthly summary of important trends and market research, case studies and information about IBM's Linux initiatives of interest to senior management.

Linux News

Only a decade ago, Linux was still a question in the minds of CIOs, but over that relatively short period of time the open source operating system has earned its place in the data center, said Jean Staten Healy, head of cross-IBM Linux strategy, during a presentation at LinuxCon 2010 in Boston last week. While 10 years ago, the role of Linux in the enterprise data center was still unclear, today Linux in the marketplace is a force that continues to gain in strength, supporting the diverse requirements of data-intensive workloads, virtual desktop solutions, prebuilt appliances, and cloud deployments models.

Aiming to ease the barriers that the aging or people with disabilities experience in participating in internet activities, the OpenAjax Alliance (OAA) has announced it has created new open source tooling technology to help software developers make it easier these users to access and use Web 2.0-enabled business, government and consumer websites. The new tooling technology simplifies the way web applications are tested for compliance with current accessibility standards and guidelines, helping to speed up delivery of new accessible internet applications. Previously, developers had to complete their code and run various reports to determine if their application was compliant with accessibility standards. Using the new tooling technology, applications are tested dynamically, as developers build the code, providing real-time feedback on compliance.

The Linux Foundation, the non-profit organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux, has launched the Open Compliance Program, a comprehensive initiative that includes tools, training, a standard format to report software licensing information, consulting and a self-assessment checklist that will help companies comply with open source licenses, increasing adoption of open source and decreasing legal FUD present in the marketplace.

Virtual Bridges, and IBM partner and developer of the VERDE suite for desktop virtualization, has announced the availability of VERDE 4.2. Introduced in less than 3 months since the release of VERDE 4, the company says that the new version's capabilities underscore the company's commitment to meet market needs through rapid innovation.

Inside Linux at IBM

The Linux Journal is conducting a survey of Linux and open source favorites, and IBM has been nominated for the best Linux Server Vendor. Please consider going to the Linux Journal website to cast your vote for your Linux favorites; don't forget to vote for Best Linux Server Vendor!

Did you miss a webcast covering important information about technologies you need to learn more about? IBM offers replays on-demand of webcasts presented by IBM experts and partners.

Most organizations today use various electronic forms of collaboration such as electronic documents, email and instant messaging to connect people across the organization. But, as trends go, there are new challenges associated with managing the environments and electronic content with the technologies used today. Organizations need to address these challenges by implementing cost-effective solutions to find information and share ideas rapidly and beyond traditional organizational boundaries.

Inside IBM's Linux Partners

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Novell has announced that Amazon Web Services (AWS) will offer hourly based pricing and support for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. Customers and independent software vendors (ISVs) of all sizes will have the ability to run SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 and 11 on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) paying only for the hours they use. The new offerings will be available in all instance sizes and in every AWS region around the world. In addition, Novell will provide a maintenance service on AWS so customers can keep their SLES instances up-to-date with Novell's most current security patches, bug fixes and new features.

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