September 2024

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Columns - Database Elaborations

The lines between entities within an Entity-Relationship Diagram [ERD] represent an interdependency between the involved entities. In a normalized designed, this interdependency is both semantic and functional, as in, "a HOUSE has one-or-more DOORs," "an ORDER has one-or-more ORDER LINEs," or "a STUDENT enrolls in zero-to-many CLASSes." These object pairings would have a line drawn between them in an ERD representation. There also would be markings from whatever notation one is employing, designating the "one" side of the relationship and the "many" side of the relationship.

Columns - DBA Corner

In today's world where data reigns supreme, the role of DBAs extends far beyond just maintaining databases. DBAs play a crucial role in overseeing the entire lifecycle of data within organizations, from its inception to disposal. Nevertheless, a frequent criticism of many DBAs is that they can be difficult to interact with. The truth of the matter is that DBAs can be curmudgeons possessing technical knowledge but limited people skills.

MV Community

RDM Infinity is now an official U.S. reseller partner of Prosol Group, a nearly 40-year veteran in the MultiValue software industry—marking a major milestone for both companies, as it brings Prosol's innovative MultiValue platform, MVsharp, to businesses across the United States. MVsharp is designed to modernize legacy MultiValue systems, offering a straightforward path to upgrade without requiring a complete system overhaul.

Rocket Software released Rocket UniVerse 14.1.1, featuring enhanced performance, security, and modernization. Emma Breslin from the Rocket Software MultiValue (MV) team offered an inside look at what makes this version a must-have upgrade for current users.
