June 2024

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Trends and Applications

Never before has the business spotlight been on database managers and professionals as it is at this time. Every business leader now wants a data-driven organization, as they recognize this is the key to competitive differentiation. Data monetization is seen as a vast new revenue source. AI—both operational and generative—relies on effective data management and quality. The ongoing transition to digital business demands real-time delivery of insights to end users and applications.

The world of open source has moved from being a niche interest that was the province of academics and self-described geeks to the mainstream. From being the purview of free software interest groups, open source is now ubiquitous. According to OpenUK, open source is used by 78% of private enterprises, and open source components and code are present in roughly 97% of all applications, proprietary or otherwise.

Two surveys show that many executives are skeptical they can move forward with AI demands, which include the right data, at the right time. AI is a high priority, and is in production at most sites, but supplying trustworthy data is still a challenge at the back end.

Columns - Database Elaborations

Data modeling has always had a push-me/pull-you relationship in the IT world. The idea of complete logical and physical data models, insightful definitions, coherent data flow diagrams, and other related informational caches is always desirable. However, far too often, the expectation is that these activities take virtually no time to create. When the expenditure of resources goes beyond a certain level, the activities are jettisoned or otherwise given the short shrift. Actually, getting code in place is viewed as the only evidence of true progress.

Columns - DBA Corner

In today's tumultuous computing landscape, the DBMS (database management system) remains core and central to the IT infrastructure. And, as such, it is central to the applications used by modern organizations to conduct business and service their customers. So, it stands to reason that a core competency for a DBA is to be able to keep their organization's databases up and operational. This requires resilience.

Columns - Next-Gen Data Management

DevOps is now the most prevalent software development methodology in use. Since 2009, it has spread beyond development teams into other functional areas. One of the earlier DevOps extensions was into DevTestOps, which emphasized continuous testing throughout the software development lifecycle. This was followed several years later by the emergence of QAOps, which built on that model with a focus on improved quality assurance (QA). At first glance, these terms refer to the same methodology. But when you dig deeper, QAOps represents a significant departure from the purpose and process of DevOps. Let's explore.

Columns - Emerging Technologies

How would you like a partner who always agreed with you, never got cross or upset, was always available, and was willing to engage in whatever intimate activities you desired whenever you wanted? In the real world, that's an unrealistic and undesirable outcome. True intimacy results from a meeting of equals, not through a totally subservient partner.

MV Community

Spanning the wide range of established legacy technologies from MultiValue to cutting-edge breakthroughs such as the data lakehouse, data mesh, and data fabric, the DBTA 100 is a list of hardware, software, and service providers working to enable their customers' data-driven future. Several top MultiValue companies land on the list again this year, including Kore Technologies, Revelation Software, and Rocket Software.
