August 2022

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Trends and Applications

Thanks to significant innovation and recent disruption in the data management space, organizations are achieving unprecedented value from both internal and external data. Much emphasis has been placed on the importance of achieving digital transformation, yet thanks to these rich data assets, organizations are finding new ways to serve customers across both digital and physical boundaries.

The data lakehouse, data fabric, and data mesh, are no longer just dreams shared by analysts at conference presentations. A new survey of more than 200 IT leaders by Unisphere Research, a division of Information Today, Inc., finds considerable uptake of these modern data architectures. "The Move to Modern Data Architecture: 2022 Data Delivery and Consumption Patterns Survey," May 2022, was conducted in partnership with ChaosSearch and included input from directors/managers of IT, directors/managers of analytics, and data architects.

These days, data managers have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to the platforming, storage, and provisioning of data and associated analytics applications. However, selecting the right environment for pressing business needs can be confusing and overwhelming. The key is understanding how to map the right technologies to the business problems or opportunities at hand.

The challenge with modern supply chains is one of multiple pressures hitting all at once. These include pandemic-induced disruptions, cyber attacks targeting supply chains and the effect that financial and trade sanctions are having on Russia for its war in Ukraine. To be more resilient, many companies have opened the spigot on enterprise investment and technology innovation for supply chain modernization. But these efforts must be well-coordinated to be effective. 

Columns - Database Elaborations

In science fiction movies, the word "entity" pops up when discussing an as-yet-unseen but at least suspected alien presence, presumed evil (or sometimes evil presence, presumed alien). This entity is not named until half the cast has vanished, then we might hear, "It's Cthulhu's daughter and she's angry!" But not all entities are evil or angry.

Columns - DBA Corner

Assuring data quality should be one of the most important goals for IT professionals. This is truer today than it has ever been as organizations rely on data to power their AI and machine learning algorithms. Accurate, quality data is required if you want to make accurate decisions. And that is true, whether the data is being analyzed by a human or a computer algorithm.

Columns - Quest IOUG Database & Technology Insights

Oracle Database is a converged multi-model, multi-workload data platform. A converged database is a database that has native support for all modern data types and the latest development paradigms built into one product. Oracle Database an example of a converged database, as it provides support for Machine Learning, Blockchain, Graph, Spatial, JSON, REST, Events, Editions, and IoT Streaming as part of the core database.

Columns - Next-Gen Data Management

Working with databases causes friction. On one side, nontechnical managers want data pros to skip the jargon and clearly describe their needs. On the other side, data pros wish their managers had a deeper understanding of the tech involved. Nontechnical managers may think they need to understand the technology better and get into the weeds to close this inherent trust gap. But this isn't the case—managers are busy tracking resource allocations, Gantt charts, project plans, and punch lists. They must also fill open slots, upskill employees, and keep people from falling prey to the Great Resignation.

Columns - Emerging Technologies

The cryptocurrency ecosystem strikes as being in a perpetual state of boom and bust, though the long-term trend is an increasing valuation for crypto assets. Within the crypto space, NFTs are particularly bubbly. Individual NFTs have sold for as much as $67 million, while total NFT sales reached $40 billion in 2021.
