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Five Minute Briefing - SAP
December 16, 2020

Published in conjunction with the Independent SAP Technical User Group (formerly the International Sybase User Group), this monthly publication contains news, market research, insight for the SAP user community, as well as ISUG-TECH news and information.

News Flashes

Software intelligence company Dynatrace is expanding its partnership with SAP, positioning Dynatrace as a strategic observability partner for SAP Commerce Cloud. This means Dynatrace's digital experience monitoring capabilities, including real user monitoring and synthetic monitoring, and precise answers from its AI-engine, Davis, are now available for SAP Commerce Cloud, digital experience monitoring, which customers can subscribe to via the online SAP Store.

This past year has been a whirlwind for everyone, driven by the Coronavirus pandemic as it pushed IT trends in 2020. For 2021 COVID-19 continues to be a central story and a galvanizing force behind this year's forecast.  Several industry experts from SAP have offered up what they see as the top trends for 2021.

NTT Corporation and SAP SE are forming a strategic alliance that creates a holistic partnership in which both companies serve as each other's customers, suppliers, and co-innovators. The deeper relationship enables SAP and NTT to leverage their best capabilities and expertise to deliver solutions that help companies transform into intelligent enterprises.

Siemens Smart Infrastructure, a business of the Siemens AG group focusing on energy distribution and intelligent buildings, announced it is moving its SAP infrastructure to AWS. Moving these workloads to AWS will enable Siemens Smart Infrastructure to significantly shorten hardware refresh cycles, increase agility to test and deploy new systems, and provide the foundation for the company's future transformation using SAP S/4HANA technology.
