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Five Minute Briefing - Oracle
August 1, 2012

Published in conjunction with the Quest Oracle Community (Quest), this bi-weekly publication contains news, market research, and insight for the Oracle ecosystem, as well as Quest news and information. Subscribers also receive Quest ResearchWire, a bi-monthly research report for the Oracle community.

News Flashes

The winner of the Apple iPad 3 drawn from the pool of 358 data managers and professionals who responded to the 2012 IOUG High Availability Survey has been announced. The winner is Debbie Gollnick, president of Gollnick, Inc. The executive summary of the survey report, "Enterprise Data and the Cost of Downtime: 2012 IOUG Database Availability Survey," is publicly available, and the full survey report is available exclusively to IOUG members.

Oracle announced the latest release of the Oracle Identity Management platform, Oracle Identity Management 11g Release 2. The new release brings together Oracle's portfolio of Identity Management offerings, consolidating them into three main categories designed to help customers improve performance and operational scale. "Oracle Identity Management 11g Release 2 addresses key new business requirements such as integrating with social identity to power customers' marketing plans or safely expanding their offerings through mobile with our new access solutions," Marc Boroditsky, vice president, Oracle Identity Management, tells 5 Minute Briefing.

Think About It

Big data is one of the most significant industry disruptors in IT today. Even in its infancy, it has shown significant ROI and has almost universal relevance to a wide cross-section of the industry. Why? Big data turns traditional information architecture on its head, putting into question commonly accepted notions of where and how data should be aggregated, processed, analyzed, and stored. Enter Hadoop and NoSQL, the open source data-crunching platform. Although these technologies are hotter than an Internet IPO, you simply can't ignore your current investments - those investments in SQL which drive everything from your data warehouse to your ERP, CRM, SCM, HCM and custom applications.

Quest IOUG Database & Technology Community News
