Five Minute Briefing - MultiValue
January 22, 2025
A comprehensive monthly publication filled with news and insight serving the MultiValue database community.
News Flashes
Entrinsik's annual Entrinsicon 2025 is arriving earlier than expected due to demand and venue availability. The new dates are Tuesday, September 16th through Thursday, September 18th, 2025, in Raleigh, North Carolina, at the Marriott Crabtree Valley. It's an opportunity to receive cost-effective, in-depth education delivered by Entrinsik's developers, support teams, and customers, and the most advantageous way to remain up-to-date with the latest upgrades and functionality.
Kore Integrate is the perfect platform to improve Data Quality Management, said Maxwell Dallinga in a recent blog post by Kore Tech. Data quality management is a process to ensure that data is reliable and effective. It's the pillar upon which AI sits in order to give accurate information.
Rocket Software announced the latest enhancements to the Rocket U2 System Builder Extensible Architecture version 6.6.2. This release brings a host of improvements and fixes that enhance the functionality and reliability of the platform.
Think About It
A surrogate is, "One appointed to act in place of another." A surrogate key is appointed to act in place of a natural key. Why? Well, one could argue that surrogate keys existed since the beginning of the computer. As the computer uses internal addresses for finding everything, and in the early days that usage had to be explicitly managed by those programming. It wasn't until relational theory came along that the concept of using data values as identifiers arose and were functionally implemented.