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Five Minute Briefing - Information Management
September 9, 2024

Five Minute Briefing - Information Management: September 9, 2024. A concise weekly report with key product news, market research and insight for data management professionals and IT executives.

News Flashes

Experts joined DBTA's webinar, Data Security and Governance for the AI Era, to showcase top solutions and best practices for navigating the space of data security and governance, especially as it faces increasing investment in cloud and AI technologies.

Auvik, an award-winning IT solutions provider, is making enhancements to its Auvik Network Management (ANM) solution, enabling a more customized user experience with greater flexibility. Auvik is offering three new capabilities: Northstar, a troubleshooting tool based on network path visualization; a new monitoring collection agent that runs natively on ARM64-based hardware; and an updated alerting engine, which allows for additional customized settings for alerts and notifications. 

vFunction, the pioneer of AI-driven architectural observability (AO), is debuting new functionalities that deliver software architecture governance amid bloated microservices sprawl. Engineered to help enterprise teams monitor their distributed architectures, vFunction's solution aims to accelerate application innovation while simultaneously maintaining resiliency and reducing technical debt.
