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Five Minute Briefing - Information Management
November 5, 2021

Five Minute Briefing - Information Management: November 5, 2021. A concise weekly report with key product news, market research and insight for data management professionals and IT executives.

News Flashes

ionir, a leader in Kubernetes Data Services, is updating its cloud-native data services platform with new capabilities focused on CI/CD acceleration and performance, providing extended support for optimizing DevOps pipelines. ionir's platform, built from the ground up for and optimized to run in Kubernetes, provides essential data persistence, protection and mobility services that enable developers, operations and platform engineers alike to thrive in a DevOps environment.

Global cloud-led, data centric software company NetApp is offering NetApp Astra (formerly known as Project Astra), a fully managed application-aware data management service built for Kubernetes workloads. NetApp Astra allows organizations to protect, recover, and move applications deployed on Kubernetes with no software to download, install, manage, or upgrade, thus enabling them to focus on developing and scaling their applications—not on managing infrastructure.

WANdisco, the LiveData company, is releasing the LiveData Platform for Microsoft Azure, allowing customers to automate the migration of their on-premises data lake to the cloud without business risk or operational downtime, accelerating time to value from months or years to days.
