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Five Minute Briefing - Information Management
June 24, 2014

Five Minute Briefing - Information Management: June 24, 2014. A concise weekly report with key product news, market research and insight for data management professionals and IT executives.

News Flashes

Embarcadero has introduced the latest release of Appmethod, which enables developers to use C++ to create complete apps for Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac OS X. The latest release of Appmethod now includes a "Free Forever" subscription plan that C++ developers can use to create Android apps to be published on any public app store such as Amazon App Store and Google Play.

GigaSpaces Technologies, a provider of in-memory computing and cloud orchestration technologies, and SanDisk Corp., a provider of flash storage solutions, have formed a partnership resulting in a new solution called GigaSpaces' XAP MemoryXtend.

Pentaho has announced version 5.1 of its business analytics and data integration platform. The new release enables code-free analytics directly on the NoSQL database MongoDB, simplifies the data preparation process for data scientists, and offers full support for MapReduce 2.0 (YARN).

Rackspace and ObjectRocket have announced the NoSQL Mobile App Challenge to foster developer creativity in architecting applications that solve pressing problems.

Splunk, aprovider of a software platform for real-time operational intelligence, and Syncsort, a provider of big data software, have formed a technical alliance aimed at unlocking insights from machine data generated by mainframe systems, a critical and major source of corporate data. The companies say they have joint customers, including top telcos, retailers, insurance, healthcare and financial organizations, who rely heavily on mainframes for critical business operations, but have had difficulty leveraging mainframe data for business insights.
