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Five Minute Briefing - Information Management
July 24, 2020

Five Minute Briefing - Information Management: July 24, 2020. A concise weekly report with key product news, market research and insight for data management professionals and IT executives.

News & Features

At Data Summit Connect 2020 Bruno Kurtic, founding VP, strategy and solutions, Sumo Logic, explained the three digital transformation fundamentals. Organizations are now shifting and transforming that into agile software development. DevOps supports a far more iterative and rapid evolution of that software because software is no longer a means to an end, he explained. The digital experience has evolved to become the product. 

News Flashes

LzLabs has joined the Google Cloud Partner Advantage Program as a Technology Partner. As a Google Cloud partner, LzLabs says it will provide customers with the ability to rehost and incrementally modernize mainframe applications with the LzLabs Software Defined Mainframe (LzSDM) running on Google Cloud's Platform.
