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Five Minute Briefing - Information Management
July 21, 2020

Five Minute Briefing - Information Management: July 21, 2020. A concise weekly report with key product news, market research and insight for data management professionals and IT executives.

News Flashes

Knoa Software, a provider of user experience management (UEM) software, is releasing Knoa Analytics, a new component of Knoa UEM, which is also sold by SAP as SAP User Experience Management (SAP UEM) by Knoa. This new analytics platform extends and complements the current product offering with a new set of analytical capabilities geared towards accelerating adoption on enterprise software such as SAP, increasing user productivity, and offering more intuitive insights into business performance, as well as team-level and project-based collaboration.

The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, is launching a new initiative to use open source technologies to help public health authorities (PHAs) around the world combat COVID-19 and future epidemics. The new Linux Foundation Public Health (LFPH) initiative is launching with seven Premier members—Cisco, doc.ai, Geometer, IBM, NearForm, Tencent, and VMware—and two hosted exposure notifications projects, COVID Shield and COVID Green, which are currently being deployed in Canada, Ireland, and several U.S. states.

Hybrid cloud data warehouse company Yellowbrick Data is partnering with Nexla to offer a cutting-edge platform for intercompany data collaboration between or among a company's customers, suppliers, or other third-party data providers. As part of their partnership, the companies are working on technical certifications and performance tuning as well as joint go-to-market opportunities.
