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Five Minute Briefing - Data Center
September 28, 2009

Five Minute Briefing - Data Center: September 28, 2009. Published in conjunction with SHARE Inc., a bi-weekly report geared to the needs of data center professionals.

News Flashes

Xerox Corporation announced today that it intends to acquire Affiliated Computer Services, Inc., a business process outsourcing provider, in a cash and stock transaction valued at $6.4 billion. With this acquisition, Xerox says it will position itself for a leading role in document and business process management.

Eucalyptus Systems, an open source cloud infrastructure provider, announced the company's first commercial offering, the Eucalyptus Enterprise Edition (EEE), which enables customers to implement an on-premise cloud with VMware's virtualization technologies, including vSphere, ESX and ESXi.

Image Control Environment 8.0 (ICE 8.0) is now generally available from NewEra Software. ICE 8.0 includes same-day support for IBM Corporation's z/OS V1R11. "This is the 12th year in a row that we have been able to meet same-day delivery of our Image Control Environment with a new release of the IBM z/OS operating system," Paul Robichaux, CEO of NewEra Software, tells 5 Minute Briefing. Additionally, with the release of ICE 8.0, he points out, "we entered the CICS market, which was a new market for us." ICE now provides support for CICS TS V4.1, the transaction-processing environment that is used on large IBM computers, Robichaux states.

Progress Data Direct, a division of Progress Software Corporation, announced the latest release of its Progress DataDirect Shadow mainframe integration platform, which includes an enhanced engine for relational to non-relational data processing on IBM's System z Integrated Information Processor (zIIP). The new release addresses the issue of cost-effective access to mainframe data that continues to be a key requirement for organizations and technology providers that rely on, or integrate with, legacy data stores.

Veryant, a COBOL modernization vendor, announced two new products in its isCOBOL Application Platform Suite (APS), which helps businesses develop, deploy, and modernize COBOL applications. isCOBOL Web Direct 2.0 connects business applications to the cloud, offering the ability to deploy fully interactive Web 2.0 applications on demand as part of Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings. isCOBOL SQL Server adds a flexible relational database engine to ISAM files without changing current program code or data. This eliminates the need to choose between maintaining ISAM files or moving to a mainstream RDBMS to meet evolving requirements.

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