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Five Minute Briefing - Data Center
February 2, 2015

Five Minute Briefing - Data Center: February 2, 2015. Published in conjunction with SHARE Inc., a bi-weekly report geared to the needs of data center professionals.

News Flashes

Cisco Systems, Inc. is launching a new software licensing strategy aimed at consolidating enterprise cloud initiatives into a single solution set. The new licensing strategy, Cisco ONE Enterprise Cloud Suite, is an engineered software solution intended to deliver a hybrid-ready private cloud software solution.

Cloud Foundry Foundation, a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) open source project, has been launched as an independent non-profit foundation.

IBM reported its fourth-quarter and full-year 2014 income, and the results reflect a tough environment for the computing giant, buffeted by uncertain global markets and shifting technology paradigms. IBM reported its revenues were $92.8 billion for the year, down 6% from the previous year. Net income for 2014 was $15.8 billion, compared with $16.9 billion in the year-ago period, a decrease of 7%.

Quantum Corp., a provider of storage solutions, announced three new solutions that integrate the cloud into multi-tier, hybrid storage architectures for demanding data workloads. "Effective data management is about putting data in the right place at the right time with the right technology, guided by a customer's workflow or application," said Geoff Stedman, senior vice president of StorNext Solutions for Quantum.

News From SHARE

ETL — extract, transform and load — has been the prevailing mantra for the past 30 years when it comes to data analytics. Until recently, it was just too expensive to run analytics where the data lived, and companies were forced to move information to another platform.

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