Ken Dickinson,
Co-Founder & Managing Partner
Kore Technologies
Content is king! That is certainly true when it comes to implementing an eCommerce website but obtaining robust and accurate content for products is one of the bigger challenges facing distributors and retailers. Unlike manufacturers who author their own content, distributors and retailers do not. They rely on the content delivered by manufacturers, and it can vary in consistency and completeness. Member-based service organizations such as Trade Service and IDEA help consolidate the content from multiple manufacturers. However, distributors may still be faced with juggling multiple sources of content and data quality issues. Therefore, it’s important to select an eCommerce platform that can aggregate con¬tent from multiple sources and allow it to be augmented or changed where needed.
But content does not stop with a nice picture, description, specification sheet, and an MSDS. While this data is important, to truly stand out against your competition there are other content issues to consider when developing a successful eCommerce website that is unique to your brand and customer base. Knowing your audience is king now.
KommerceServer has a hybrid design supporting B2B and B2C eCommerce environments for manufacturing, distribution, and retail industries. Its centralized Product Information Management supports multiple content sources and allows you to control the product taxonomy, provide faceted search, and augment the content to make it distinctive and engaging for your audience. A powerful Content Management System is included so the entire cor-porate website and eCommerce can be integrated and managed without advanced web development acumen.
For more information about Kore Technologies and KommerceServer, please contact us.
Kore Technologies 866-763-5673