Scott Hayes,
President & Founder
DBI Software
DBI Software pureFeat V6.1 Performance for IBM DB2 LUW
DBI Software’s pureFeat™ V6.1Performance Suite for IBM DB2 LUW makes it faster and easier than ever to fight the right fires fast. Already the acknowledged leader in optimizing IBM DB2 databases, pureFeat V6.1 pulls even farther ahead of the pack by adding two powerful features:
- Stored Procedure Visibility shows you what’s inside costly procedure calls. It not only summarizes all procedures and their costs, it also allows you to see the SQL statements within a called stored procedure and their respective costs plus key metrics.
- Current Activity Functions let you quickly answer the question, “What’s happening right now?” A breakthrough visual lock display identifies lock contentions, holders, and their waiters in one click, and allows you to kill them with just one more click! It also identifies and allows you to understand and optimize application connections and top SQL activity.
We invite you to take the completely free DBI 15-Second Challenge. We’ll send you three small SQL commands that take 15 seconds to run. They will tell us exactly where the database problems are, and how bad they are. Once we’ve quantified the problems, our patented, award-winning technology will typically fix the problems in two hours or less. In fact, we not only fix database problems, but it’s also not unusual for us to reduce your CPU utilization, thus cutting or deferring equipment, licenses, and consulting costs by millions of dollars.
To take “The 15-Second Challenge,” visit www.DBISoftware.com/pureFeat-61-DB2-LUWPerformance-Tools.php.
DBI Software