Bradley Tashenberg,
Bradmark Technologies, Inc.
Bradmark Readiness Assessment Services
Long-time SAP Sybas e customers have been challenged with best practices necessary to successfully move to the current versions of ASE, IQ, and Replication Server. These challenges include a lack of staffing and a loss of base knowledge due to extended time periods between upgrades. As older versions of these products become unsupported, the need to migrate to newer versions is not optional. Many critical applications rely on these database platforms. As these products are very mature and generally highly reliable, operational intervention is rarely required. And though this is desirable from a product standpoint, it creates a lack of skill set for troubleshooting.
Certified Assessment Delivers Critical Roadmap for Successful IT Growth
Changing operating systems, new hardware platforms, virtualization, and product version changes have all created visibility in both process and skill gaps. Bradmark’s Readiness Assessment pairs expert, certified-level consulting with statistical information and Bradmark’s Surveillance™ monitoring solution, then properly documents the necessary steps to complete changes in OS, hardware, and product version. As a result, this service will prevent delays in upgrades and costly rollbacks. As an authorized SAP reseller and provider of industryleading database performance monitoring solutions and consulting services, Bradmark is uniquely positioned to provide the Readiness Assessment engagements. This service is a successful and proven part of Bradmark’s consulting business that also includes Managed Services. As you move forward with your IT investment, we invite you to find out more about how a Readiness Assessment can dramatically improve the success of your next project.
To get started, or request more information on a Readiness engagement, visit us at: www.bradmark.com/services/readiness_program.html
Bradmark Technologies, Inc.