
Awesome Companies in AI 2024

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Deeplite uses AI to automatically make other AI models faster, smaller, and more energy-efficient, creating highly compact, high-performance deep neural networks for deployment on edge devices such as security cameras, sensors, drones, mobile phones, and vehicles.
dotData’s pioneering automated feature discovery and engineering platform addresses the most complex challenge of AI/ML projects with Feature Factory technology that uncovers hidden gems, providing transparent, explainable features.
Earley Information Science
Led by CEO Seth Earley, author of The AI-Powered Enterprise: Harness the Power of Ontologies to Make Your Business Smarter, Faster and More Profitable, Earley Information Science is a professional services firm focused on structuring and organizing data to make it more findable, usable, and valuable.
Fiddler AI
Fiddler is a pioneer in Model Performance Management for responsible AI, offering the Fiddler platform with a unified environment that provides a common language, centralized controls, and actionable insights to operationalize ML/AI with trust.
Franz Inc.
Franz Inc. is an early innovator in AI and a leading supplier of graph database technology, delivering solutions to dozens of Fortune 500 companies, all supported by the company’s expert knowledge in developing and deploying knowledge graph and data fabric solutions.
Google AI
Driven by its mission to organize and democratize world information, Google AI offers transformative product integrations, breakthrough research, an expanded AI ecosystem, and more, harnessing the power of AI to improve the lives of people in all capacities.
IBM offers an array of enterprise-grade AI solutions—including IBM watsonx, the data and AI platform—across a range of use cases that help organizations build the future of their business, today.
KX offers kdb, the world’s fastest database for vector, time series, and real-time analytics designed to supercharge AI and ML tools in the cloud, data warehouses, and data lakes, as well as accelerate GenAI pipelines.
Helping enterprises unlock the power of AI, MongoDB delivers MongoDB Atlas Vector Search—recognized as one of the most loved vector databases for supporting AI—as well as a variety of other resources for streamlining the development of AI-powered apps.
Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo delivers end-to-end data observability across the modern data stack, enabling enterprises to build trustworthy AI from reliable, quality data.

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