View from the Top by Michael Corey, President, Ntirety
In the late 90’s, I recognized that the Internet made it possible for a company to provide high quality DBA services to anyone in the world from Boston in a safe and secure manner. Ntirety, a pioneer of Remote DBA Services (RDBA), is the direct result of that recognition.
Companies face many of the same issues today as back then. Not enough good DBAs to go around. Good DBA skills take years to develop. The technologies within the databases keep getting more and more complex. Databases are growing at an alarming rate. The database needs to be available 7x24. There is (always) a new version of the database available: how do I upgrade my existing database without bringing the business to its knees?Along the way, our customers picked up a few new challenges. Hyper-converged architectures? Database as a Service? Going to the Cloud? Virtualization? Big Data?
Through it all, Ntirety changed to meet the needs of our customers. We grew from being just DBAs to Total Data Experts. This year, Ntirety was acquired by HOSTING and we are excited about the possibilities. We now have the ability to provide one throat-to-choke up and down the stack; from infrastructure through database and application to the Cloud. We provide you a private cloud, public cloud or on-premises support. We can manage your database and support the entire application stack in our facilities or your facilities. The journey to get here took years, but it has really come together for Ntirety, HOSTING and our customers.
Ntirety, a Division of HOSTING