View from the Top by Mark Theissen, CEO
On-Demand Distributed Analysis with Cirro—Real Time in No Time
Cirro’s Next Generation Data Federation Platform is a revolutionary technology that solves the most significant challenge facing businesses today—a single point-of-access for Big Data exploration, integration and analysis. Cirro seamlessly incorporates Hadoop, SaaS, NoSQL and traditional data sources to enable self-service data exploration and analysis previously unavailable in the marketplace. All without the cost, overhead and time of traditional ETL and data virtualization approaches.
Businesses today are demanding more timely access to data to drive competitive advantage. On-demand access to multiple real time and contextual data sources in a distributed environment is either impossible or requires large scale IT projects. This challenge has become more daunting with the advent of cloud computing, SaaS applications, Hadoop and other NoSQL data sources. Putting the ability to ask questions of all data sources in the hands of users drives efficiency and competitive advantage.
Cirro’s platform enables users to use the BI or visualization tools of their choice to access all data sources regardless of type, platform or location. Product components include the Cirro Data Hub, Cirro Analyst and the Cirro Multi Store. Built for Big Data and traditional data sources, Cirro can be installed in any cloud, virtual environment or physical server.
To learn more, please visit us at: www.cirro.com