
Cloud Backup May be a Potential Hornet's Nest

Does the cloud make a good backup environment for an on-premises data center? Or does an on-premises data center need to stand by as backup for cloud applications? In a recent post, Lars Evensen, an IBM certified IT architect, talks about the risks and rewards of using cloud as a backup. “If you manage your requirements and business needs correctly, backing up your data to a cloud-based solution can provide you with a flexible solution that performs as expected,” he says. “However if you do not manage these requirements properly and simply assume that a cloud-based solution is the same as a traditional solution, you are heading into a possible hornet’s nest.” Evensen recommends a review of data policies, the cloud provider's service level agreement, and consideration of business needs. Also, current recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO) requirements – which may be met by a current backup system or provider – may be more difficult to attain in the cloud.

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