
Oracle News and Updates - May 28, 2014 Update

Gartner Explains the Necessity for Enterprise Architecture

Enterprise Architects are among a CIO’s most trusted advisors.  Oracle has produced an on-demand webcast featuring a Gartner distinguished analyst that helps explain the role, value, and best practices of enterprise architecture.  

Watch the on-demand webcast here 

IDC White Paper: Oracle Linux—Engineered into a Business-Class Solution 

In this new Oracle-sponsored white paper, industry analyst IDC describes the changing nature of the Linux market, looks at managing Linux going forward, provides a look at Oracle's Linux product stack, and goes in-depth with Oracle customer Progressive Insurance on its switch from Red Hat Enterprise Linux to Oracle Linux. 

Download Here 

E-Book: Extreme Performance with Engineered Systems

Download this e-book and read about how our engineered systems can power the cloud and streamline data center operations. You will discover how the systems can simplify your IT, lower their costs and risk, and help maintain the highest IT availability with extreme performance.

Register today! 

Succeeding with Big Data and Analytics in 2014 

Oracle surveyed hundreds of IT decision makers to see what the top 10 big data and analytics trends and opportunities would be in 2014.  If you would like to see snap shot of the results, 

view the infographic today.
