Ensure that you play a role in shaping the future direction of the IOUG. Vote in the 2016-2017 Board of Directors Election. IOUG Board Candidates are presented as a slate. Please take a moment to confirm the recommended list of candidates, as it is critical to have your vote in order for us to achieve a quorum of our members.
For the 2016-2017 elections, there are five candidates on the slate for the open Board of Directors positions. The slate is as follows:
- Mark Farnham, Rightsizing, Inc.
- Al Hoof, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency
- Coleman Leviter, Arrow Electronics, Inc.
- Seth Miller, Veritas
- David Start, Johnson Controls
Polls are open now through March 31, 2016. Thank you for your support and participation!
Vote Now
*Note that you must be a paid IOUG member in order to vote.