
Your Guide to Savings on SHARE in Seattle

Gain the technical content you need to thrive in your enterprise environment during SHARE in Seattle, March 14-18, 2010 at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center. Get ahead of the game by registering early! Online registration is now open so register today to save on the industry leading event in enterprise IT!There are several opportunities to save time and money on SHARE in Seattle:

  • Visit the online registration page to secure your spot at SHARE in Seattle. Check out the registration and cost-saving opportunities, including the chance to save more than $200 on the full-conference rate when you register before January 22, 2010.
  • SHARE's savings also apply to your hotel stay in Seattle. Utilize the convenient SHARE Housing Channel on to book your hotel room(s) in Seattle. Find negotiated rates at either the Sheraton Seattle Hotel or Hilton Seattle Hotel; both within walking distance to the Washington State Convention and Trade Center.Don't miss your chance to learn from the experts at a discounted price!

To learn more about SHARE, and the upcoming conference in Seattle, visit SHARE's Web site today.
