
SHARE's Women of Influence in Mainframe

For decades, women have been meaningful contributors in the technology industry. Some of the earliest contributions were from Dr. Grace Hopper, a computer scientist and U.S. Navy rear admiral, whose work led to the development of COBOL and the first computer compiler, to the more recent contributions of Kimberly Bryant, founder and chief executive officer of Black Girls Code, which provides coding education to young women of color. SHARE has some of its own luminaries in the field, including IBM Fellow, CIO DevSecOps CTO, and Distinguished Engineer, Rosalind Radcliffe, who is dedicated to mentoring others on DevOps and other mainframe topics; Melinda Varian, whose contributions to the virtual machine (VM) community planted the seeds for a network where collaboration and knowledge sharing is key; and Pam Taylor, past SHARE president (2008-2010), who stepped up to influence an industry and its standards for REXX, Java, and more.

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