
Wind River Offers Enterprise Linux Solution for AI and Critical Workloads

Wind River, a global leader in delivering software for the intelligent edge, is launching eLxr Pro, its commercial enterprise Linux offering to address the needs of cloud-to-edge deployments.

Expanding the company’s industry-leading Linux portfolio, eLxr Pro delivers long-term commercial support and services to the recently launched open source eLxr project distribution, according to the company.

eLxr Pro enables organizations challenged with high-performance edge and enterprise needs to meet stringent performance and operational requirements for the next generation of commercial deployments across a wide range of emerging use cases for autonomous vehicles, aerospace, defense, energy, finance, medical, industrial automation, smart cities, and telecommunications.

It addresses the challenges of optimizing and deploying near and far edge applications to process data closer to where it is generated, for workloads that involve remote automatic updates, containerized applications and orchestration, AI inference, machine learning, and autonomous operations.

eLxr Pro is based on the open source Debian-based eLxr project, an enterprise-grade distribution powering deployments for intelligent edge, far edge device, near edge server, regional data center, and public cloud scenarios.

“There is an industry need for a true open source offering not controlled by a corporate entity, but with the option for a highly scaled, reputable business to support the distribution. eLxr Pro offers the industry a robust and differentiated option, backed by an industry-leading open source solutions provider,” said Avijit Sinha, president of Wind River. “With eLxr Pro, customers deploying next-generation near edge and enterprise server solutions are empowered to innovate using a free, open source distribution optimized for performance, security, and ease of use. They can do so with confidence, knowing it is backed by commercial enterprise support and professional services.”

The eLxr project is freely available to users, distributed under open source licenses that encourage free distribution and modification of the software.

It curates existing Debian packages, optimized for performance, hardened security, and the minimal footprint required to run industry-specific workloads.

Wind River, a founding member of the eLxr project, plays a crucial role in advancing the project’s mission of making new technologies and specialized solutions accessible through a Linux distribution. Additional hardware support and expanded cloud-native capabilities will be part of the eLxr project planned cadence of releases. 

Wind River's eLxr Pro delivers stability, security updates, and ongoing technical assistance, as well as services add-ons to address the needs of cloud-to-edge deployments.

According to the company, with unmatched industry expertise, Wind River helps customers build open source solutions with sector-specific requirements for performance, security, custom hardware features, and certifications, especially when deploying in highly regulated environments. eLxr Pro provides comprehensive long-term commercial support, professional services, and maintenance beyond the standard lifecycle available with the community-driven eLxr project. This includes a variety of service-level agreement (SLA) options with security issues resolution and defect management. These services ensure that eLxr users benefit from cutting-edge technology with open source flexibility and innovation tailored to their specific needs, thereby enhancing the reliability and stability of their eLxr-based systems. 

For fast and easy transaction and deployment, eLxr is available in the AWS Marketplace.

For more information about eLxr Pro, visit
