
Unleashing the Power of Data Cataloging at Data Summit 2017

The Amazon experience completely changed the way consumers buy books and now providing a catalogue type experience for enterprises could shape the way their businesses access data.

At Data Summit 2017 Stan Christiaens, CTO at Collibra, explored how data cataloguing can enable enterprises to uncover insights and drive innovation with his presentation “The Amazonification Approach to Data.”

With an Amazon-like approach to data, data citizens would be able to grab data that is trusted, verified and reviewed.

“The system of record for data change agents are: find, understand, and trust,” Christiaens said.

The platform will show the metrics performed on data that have been “blessed” by their company thanks to watermarking and “certified” reports functionality.

By using this approach it demonstrates that the quality of data is beyond reproach which, in turn, eliminates data brawls, according to Christiaens.

And it’s easy for every data citizen to use, the business glossary will even push definitions directly to reporting tools.

Data cataloguing will help data protection officers protect the business and free data scientists from the data search grind.

It reduces the time to answer questions on data sharing, data policies, data lineage, and more to as little as 72 hours.

“Data cataloguing enables people in data protection roles to look up datasets and data processing activities within context: what data is processed, where does it flow to, what controls are in place?” Christiaens said.

Many conference presentations have been made available by speakers at
