UNITE Presents New Best of Conference Webcasts
UNITE, the International Unisys User Association, and Unisys have teamed up to make available two of the award-winning presentations from the 2009 UNITE Conference in Minneapolis, Minn. Through these UNITE webcasts attendees can experience a sample of the kind of in-depth sessions that are available at every UNITE conference.
In a one-hour webcast on Wednesday, March 31, from 11 am to 12 noon ET, Jim Malnati, automation consultant, Unisys Corporation, will present "Supporting the Olympics with ClearPath" and on Wednesday, April 28, from 11 am to 12 noon ET, George E. McGowan, Jr., CPA, and president, McGowan Computer Associates, Inc. will present "Automated Test Tool."
Malnati's presentation focuses on the story of how Unisys provided TravelSky with the platform to successfully handle the business volumes for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Faced with phenomenal growth and huge transaction volumes, automation was the only option to support the workload and deliver the service. Malnati describes the advanced disaster recovery, workflow management, and shared component automation implemented at TravelSky and other clients worldwide.
McGowan's presentation spotlights ATT, the new, exciting capability in AB Suite 2.0 that enables developers to easily capture and edit test cases with real-world clients, and then play them back automatically at any time. It is a quick and easy way to provide unit and regression testing for AB Suite applications. The result is improved productivity and application quality. This lab will takes attendees through creation of a test suite, editing the validation criteria, and then playback of a test session to check for regressions in their application.
The next UNITE Conference will be held May 23-26, 2010, at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel in Baltimore, Md. For more information, go here.
To register, go here.
To register for the upcoming webcasts, go here.