
Tines Workbench Streamlines Security Workflows with AI-Powered Context and Natural Language

Tines, the trusted leader in smart, secure workflows, is announcing the GA of Workbench, an AI chat interface that empowers security teams to interact with proprietary data and dynamically orchestrate mission-critical processes with their natural language.

Tines Workbench is an enterprise-ready solution that seamlessly integrates AI functionality with mission-critical workflows across technology stacks at scale, in a controlled environment. Specifically designed to unlock greater value for AI-powered security workflows, Workbench empowers security teams to increase their operational efficiency, mitigate risk, accelerate time-to-value, and drive positive outcomes, according to Tines.

"AI has immense potential to revolutionize how mission-critical teams tackle their most pressing challenges," said Eoin Hinchy, co-founder and CEO of Tines. "Current solutions lack the depth and flexibility required by security teams, limiting their effectiveness in real-world scenarios. Workbench is the result of years of intensive development, seamlessly blending Tines' strengths in connectivity, custom workflows, and enterprise-grade security with the power of LLMs [large language models] in areas like summarization and natural language processing. We're confident it will deliver exceptional value to our customers and users."

Tines Workbench forwards a vendor-agnostic approach that leverages both out-of-the-box and custom workflows to deliver a contextual, synergistic security experience. Users maintain complete control while being able to collaborate, gather content, and act from a single interface—rivaling traditional, fragmented security tools—that seamlessly integrate with existing systems and workflows. Additionally, Workbench’s outputs are accompanied by data source citations, ensuring that any decisions made are executed with utmost confidence.

"Enterprise data consolidation and access is a largely unresolved and daunting challenge," said Chris Kissel, vice president, security and trust products, IDC Research. "Traditional security teams lack compatible tools which allow them to ingest, store, and analyze all enterprise data effectively. Tines Workbench addresses this market need, allowing security teams to streamline operations and securely integrate AI technology in the present."

To combat hallucinations, Tines Workbench features built-in guardrails that mitigate the possibility of misleading responses. Workbench is designed to understand complex queries and respond concisely, grounding its outputs in an enterprise’s proprietary context.

"Our long-standing partnership with Tines has brought immense value to our joint customers through a combination of Elastic's deep detection capabilities and Tines' robust automation powers," said Mike Nichols, vice president of product management, security at Elastic. "We're excited to see how Workbench will continue to serve our joint customers, saving them time by allowing them to automate security workflows and tackle threats quickly, all via an integrated AI-powered interface."

Tines Workbench is available to all Tines customers and through the company’s free community edition plan.

To learn more about Tines Workbench, please visit
