
SqlDBM’s Tx Delivers Both Relational and Transformational Modeling within a Single Platform

SqlDBM, a leading collaborative, cloud-based data modeling platform for the enterprise, is unveiling Tx, a transformational workflow solution that empowers teams to facilitate both relational and transformational modeling in one platform. Allowing users to quickly and collaboratively develop and automate modular analytics code, Tx closes the relational/transformational data gap by centralizing these workflows in a single solution. 

Until now, enterprise teams were forced to use two different platforms for relational and transformational modeling, creating a gap in communications, data integrity, and overall efficiency.

SqlDBM—whose mission is to make data modeling a streamlined, accessible, and collaborative practice for both business and IT teams—takes data modeling to a new level, offering a flexible, all-in-one solution that streamlines complex workflows and ensures data integrity.

“While not ideal, data modeling can and has traditionally been done locally by a single architect. Transformation, on the other hand, is by nature a collaborative process,” explained Serge Gershkovich, head of product at SqlDBM. “SqlDBM is the only cloud-based data modeling tool with native database support, which means we were uniquely suited to tackle the challenge of combining the complete data modeling process (conceptual, logical, physical, transformational) in a single tool and project—bridging the gap between data architects and engineers, and eliminating the need to handoff and enforce designs and requirements.”

The Tx platform enables the following capabilities:

  • Seamlessly synchronize relational and transformational data views, ultimately preventing  data duplication and persisting data integrity.
  • Increase the speed of development cycles through a combination of code-first and GUI-based solutions that delivers an intuitive, visual design UI that drives the understanding of data structures and relationships all while maintaining complete business logic.
  • Cultivate a shared understanding of data through concurrent working, granular access controls, and intuitive documentation.

Tx’s end-to-end modeling capabilities aid in establishing continuity across systems, accelerates development, and facilitates team-wide collaboration. With these industry-first capabilities, enterprises benefit from faster time-to-value, streamlined data stacks, modular, reusable code, and uncompromised data quality, according to SqlDBM.

“Tx represents a significant leap forward in data modeling,” said Gershkovich. “By seamlessly integrating transformations within the modeling environment, Tx empowers data teams to achieve a new level of efficiency and collaboration. With Tx, gone are the days of wrestling with inconsistent data and complex workflows that slow down critical data projects. Our customers can now confidently deliver the trusted data insights their organizations need, faster than ever before.”

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