
Splice Machine Releases its Platform on the AWS Marketplace

Splice Machine, provider of a Hybrid Database Management System (DBMS), is releasing its Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace, allowing users to manage a set of powerful applications.

With this release users get:

  • Elastic Scalability – From gigabytes to petabytes, this service is designed to deploy faster, perform better, and scale as you grow, while you only pay for the capacity your applications need at any given time
  • Easy to Operate – Configure and manage the powerful scale-out architecture by simply specifying the amount of compute power and storage required for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) workloads on the Cloud Manager – Splice Machine does the rest
  • Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing (HTAP) – Powerful HTAP database that can run Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) workloads concurrently, faster and at a fraction the cost of traditional relational DBMS (RDBMS) systems
  • Hybrid Storage – Leverage disk-based or in-memory processing, as well as row-based or columnar storage, for each task to achieve proven performance across all workloads
  • AI and Data Science Services – Ingest fast data, streaming from IoT devices and other data sources; use machine learning to develop, test and deploy models, integrating directly with application data; collaborate using notebooks and analyze data using industry-leading visualization tools
  • What-if Planning on Time-Series Data – Easily develop planning systems that can manage time-changing data such as inventory or currency
  • World-class Operations – Manage scale elastically, optimize price performance trade-offs, manage availability and backup/restore options, create virtual network isolations, and monitor status and performance in real time across the whole stack
  • Full ANSI-SQL – Industry-standard SQL, Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability (ACID) compliant transactions, secondary indexes, referential integrity, triggers, stored procedures and more – capabilities that most applications require and that are already familiar to developers and database administrators (DBAs)

"The days of static applications are over," said Monte Zweben, co-founder and CEO, Splice Machine. "Modern applications need to learn from the past, predict the future, plan based on those predictions, and then act in the moment. For such applications, Splice Machine offers an easy-to-use, powerful service in the cloud with the functionality that serves users' needs."

With Splice Machine, companies can develop and deploy a new generation of predictive applications designed to integrate fast data streaming, transactional workloads, analytics, and machine learning to improve continuous predictions and decision-making.

One key advantage of Splice Machine DBaaS is its support for industry-standard Structured Query Language (SQL), which allows customers to move existing database applications to the service while leveraging existing skill sets.

To learn more about this release, visit
