
Snowflake Computing Launches its Platform on Azure

Snowflake Computing, the data warehouse built for the cloud, is releasing its signature platform, Snowflake, on Microsoft Azure. Customer demand for Azure, and the need for large organizations to have flexibility in choosing cloud options, prompted Snowflake to offer its solution as an Azure-based cloud computing option.

Snowflake leverages Azure infrastructure services for data storage and query processing. In addition, it integrates with Azure services such as Azure Data Lake Store and Power BI.

The platform also employs several new features, including limitless storage accounts, accelerated networking and storage soft delete. Snowflake is available in the Azure East-US-2 region, with more regions to be added in the months and years ahead.

“The demand for a cloud-built data warehouse continues to grow as more companies move their data and analytics workloads to the cloud,” Snowflake CEO, Bob Muglia said. “Microsoft customers and multi-vendor cloud users prompted us to offer Snowflake on Azure. We’re a customer-centric company and offering Snowflake on Azure is about delivering customer choice. We look forward to serving these customers.”

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