
SAP Unveils SAP S/4HANA On-Premise Edition Trial

SAP SE is offering an on-premise 30-day trial edition for SAP Business Suite 4 SAP HANA. The trial edition spans end-to-end digitized business processes in finance, procurement, sales, and manufacturing.

“When we built the trial it was really all about the ease of use,” said Johannes Beigel , member of the SAP best practices team . “We wanted to have an out-of-the-box solution.”

SAP S/4HANA is the next-generation business suite built on the in-memory computing technology of the SAP HANA platform and designed with the new SAP Fiori user experience. According to SAP, the platform makes it possible for instant insight across lines of business and industries with the simplicity and ease of use.

“We’ve seen a really good adoption of the trial already,” Beigel said. “The target is meant to be for customers, partners, but also for prospects and in general it’s available to anyone, you don’t need to be an SAP customer yet.”

The trial offers a complete demo guide, examples of typical installation and infrastructure features and up-and-running landscapes to mirror real-life scenarios. Additionally, once users activate the trial version, it takes less than an hour to get rolling, the company said. 

“It’s a fully preconfigured system,” Beigel said. “It provides you with end to end business processes across all areas like finance, controlling, and manufacturing. Once customers experience the SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition trial, they can leverage the SAP Activate consumption experience for a streamlined adoption experience in the cloud, on-premise or in a hybrid mode.

A key component of SAP Activate, the SAP Best Practices for SAP S/4HANA package, allows trial users to utilize the ready-to-run processes shipped with SAP S4/HANA, or they can create their own best practices for a well-rounded, customized experience. “People see the value in it, that before you buy you want to try and find out what the software really provides,” Beigel said. “Users appreciate getting the full access of the system.”

For more information about the trial, click here
