
RocketU2 Offers Webinars for SB/XA Product

Rocket Software is planning a complimentary webcast series focused on the latest release of RocketU2 SystemBuilder Extensible Architecture (SB/XA). SB/XA is a Rapid Application Development (RAD) and deployment environment delivering up-to-the-minute interface design and portable reporting capabilities.  Existing SB+ applications can automatically convert without requiring changes to the underlying code.

"An Introduction to SB/XA" will be held Thursday, April 1, 10:30 am-12 pm ET, and 6 pm - 7:30 pm ET.
This webcast introduces the technologies used to create SB/XA and how users can configure SB/XA to enable its new features including installing and configuring the new middle-tier to allow the new  presentation clients to be deployed. Single sign-on allows users to authenticate once and automatically provide credentials between  client, middle tier, and application server.

"Starting Your SB/XA with Style" will be held, Thursday, April 22, 10:30 am-12 pm ET, and 6 PM - 7:30 PM EDT.  
This webcast is targeted at existing SystemBuilder users who want to upgrade existing SystemBuilder applications and start to take advantage of the new presentation clients with styling. This complimentary webinar will take users step by step through upgrading an  application, converting screens from character or GUI and simple  styling techniques that they will be able to immediately take advantage of within their own applications.

The webcasts will be led by Stuart Mackenzie, an advanced technical support engineer for SystemBuilder products with over 19 years of experience with MultiValue databases and development tools. He has held a variety of roles including application development, training and customer support. Stuart joined System Builder in 1995 and spent 8 years as a consultant in U2 Professional Services before joining  the U2 Client Support group.

Rocket U2 also has courses scheduled through the middle of the year. For a complete list of the classes available through June, including UniData Data Replication; Java Application Development Using UniObjects - Online; .NET Development for U2; U2 BASIC Extensions for Advanced Programmers; UniData and UniVerse Database Programming-and a range of others, go here.

For more information about Rocket Software's U2 product family, go here.
