
Rocket Software Launches Webinar Series and Roundtable for Modernizing Your MV App: The Importance of APIs

Rocket Software recently announced a special 4-part series on the Importance of APIs for Modernizing Your MV App.

Rocket principal product manager Hernando Borda is the host for this MultiValue (MV) roundtable event—delving into the transformative power of APIs and how they can bring significant value to MV applications.

In the MultiValue roundtable, Rocket customers and industry experts share their real-world experiences and success stories about using APIs to modernize their MV applications.

Panelists Enrique Murphy, from Aleator Software, and Craig Betts and Mark Copp from Travis Perkins, discuss how integrating APIs with their MV data and business logic has not only brought immense value to their customers but also positively impacted their organizations’ bottom lines.

Also joining the panel is Rocket MultiValue evangelist Mike Rajkowski who discusses the value proposition of leveraging API’s against MV business logic and data.

He advises to look at your existing solution with a plan, that Rocket can help build using an MV Modernization Discovery Assessment, on where you want to go in the future.

Rocket recorded the roundtable discussions and divided them into four concise and easy-to-consume videos, each approximately 15 minutes long.

Episode 1: The Value of Leveraging APIs: The roundtable panelists discuss the tangible benefits they experienced by integrating APIs with their MV applications and business logic. They share specific examples of how APIs have streamlined operations, enhanced customer experiences, and generated new business opportunities.

Episode 2: Preparation Before API Creation: Preparation is key to successful API integration. The roundtable panelists walk viewers through the crucial prep work they undertook on their MV apps before diving into creating APIs. They highlight best practices and essential steps that laid the groundwork for a smooth and efficient API development process.

Episode 3: Overcoming Challenges: Modernizing MV apps with APIs comes with its own set of challenges. In this episode, the panelists reveal the obstacles they faced and how they overcame them. From technical issues to organizational hurdles, they provide invaluable insights that can help viewers navigate similar challenges in their modernization journey.

Episode 4: Modernization Approaches: There’s more than one way to modernize an MV app. Here, panelists discuss the various approaches they took to integrate APIs and modernize their applications.

To listen to the roundtable discussions, visit the Rocket Software MultiValue blog site, where you’ll find links, including a link to register for the Office Hours event on Tuesday, July 16, where the panelists will be available to answer your questions.

“The recordings, combined with the office hours, is a unique opportunity to dive deeper into the topics discussed and get personalized advice from fellow MultiValue users,” Borda said.

To view the special series, go here.
