
Realm Makes PostgreSQL Real-Time with New Connector

Realm, an independent mobile database, is releasing a new solution to the PostgresSQL platform that will let users connect to real-time data with mobile apps.

Realm’s new PostgreSQL Data Connector creates a simple two-way bridge between Postgres and the Realm Mobile Platform, effectively making Postgres real-time for mobile apps.

Data flows reliably and in a fault-tolerant manner between Postgres and the Realm Platform, which then handles realtime sync with mobile apps automatically.

The Realm Mobile Platform replaces traditional methods of using REST APIs to get data in and out of backend systems for use in a mobile context.

Realm automatically handles the real-time sync native objects—without the need for JSON—between clients and the Realm Object Server (the server-side component of the Realm Mobile Platform).

The Realm Object Server can then provide the API integration point between mobile applications and the PostgreSQL database to consolidate API management in the backend, where network issues are not a concern.

This architecture reduces the number of API calls that each device must make and reduces the need for complex idempotent APIs that can handle unreliable network connectivity.

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