
Platform9 Releases Klusterkit Set for Kubernetes

Platform9, a provider of a SaaS-managed hybrid cloud, is introducing Klusterkit – a set of three open source Kubernetes tools that enable organizations to easily deploy and operate production-grade Kubernetes clusters.

Each of the three tools comprising Klusterkit fills a gap in the Kubernetes community toolchain, and can be used independently or in tandem:

  • etcdadm – adopted by Kubernetes Cluster Lifecycle SIG, etcdadm is a kubeadm-like command-line interface (CLI) that simplifies the operation of secure, highly-available, etcd clusters. highly
  • nodeadm – is a command-line interface node administration tool to complement kubeadm by deploying the dependencies that kubeadm requires, such as the kubelet binary. nodeadm makes it simple to deploy a Kubernetes control plane or nodes on any machine running Linux
  • cctl – a cluster lifecycle management tool that is based on the Kubernetes community's Cluster API spec, and uses nodeadm and etcdadm to easily manage highly-available Kubernetes clusters on bare metal, on-premises, air-gapped environments.

The combination of these three tools enables the deployment and operation of a highly-available etcd cluster and Kubernetes control plane in air-gapped, on-premise environments.

Klusterkit also allows recovering a completely failed cluster control plane from an etcd snapshot. Additionally, it packages all the artifacts required to deploy Kubernetes in an air-gapped environment allowing teams to operate Kubernetes clusters where remote, cloud-managed clusters are not feasible.

“Klusterkit presents a powerful, yet easy-to-use Kubernetes toolset that complements community efforts like Cluster API and kubeadm to allow enterprises a path to modernize applications to use Kubernetes, and run them anywhere -- even in on-premise, air-gapped environments,” said Arun Sriraman, Kubernetes Technical Lead Manager at Platform9.

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