Percona, a provider of MySQL and MongoDB support, consulting, remote DBA, training, and software development, will host its annual Percona Live Data Performance Conference, formerly known as the Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo, in Santa Clara, California April 18-21.
“This is a great opportunity for the open source community to come together, not only to network with each other but also to learn a lot about what’s going on in the field,” said Laurie Coffin, vice president of marketing at Percona. “When your database isn’t performing well, nothing is performing as well as you need it to.”
This year the conference is introducing a MongoDB 101 track to acclimate attendees with the platform.
“Previously, this conference was really focused on MySQL and last year at the conference we announced our acquisition of Tokutek which was our entry into the MongoDB market,” Coffin said “We’ve been really excited by how the MongoDB open source community has embraced Percona.”
The classes will provide a “crash course” on how to run MongoDB, Coffin explained.
Along with a primer for MongoDB, tracks will include a variety of informative sessions on MySQL, cloud, and others.
Additionally, Percona is adding a community voting aspect, allowing attendees to vote for their favorite topics and discussions, according to Coffin.
“The line-up is really driven by the community and the topics that they care about,” Coffin said.
Along with new sessions and a focus on MongoDB, the Percona conference will feature Bill Nye as a keynote speaker to discuss “Things to Keep a Nye On - A Scientist’s Thirst for Knowledge and an Engineer’s Vision of What Can Be.”
“He’s going to be talking about how science is built on data and how he has spent a lot of time trying to raise awareness about the value of science, critical thinking, and using data to drive decisions,” Coffin said. “Bill’s been a huge proponent of women in science and technology; we will have a lot of female speakers at this conference, it’s a topic that’s very important to us, as well.”
For more information about the conference, visit