
Oracle Expands MySQL as a Cloud Service

Introduced at Oracle OpenWorld, Oracle’s new MySQL Cloud Service provides the benefits of MySQL Enterprise Edition through the Oracle Public Cloud.  Diby Malakar, a vice president of product management at Oracle, recently discussed the latest database service from Oracle.

Citing industry statistics, Malakar said that in the next 2-3 years, 50% to 70% of new in-house app development will be done using an open source database. MySQL is already used today by organizations such as Facebook, Uber,, LinkedIn, and, he added, noting that, with its position in the market as a top open source DBMS, coupled with other market trends, it makes sense to offer it as a service through the Oracle Cloud.

There are three sets of audiences that this new offering will particularly resonate with, said Malakar. These are developers, DevOps teams, and ISVs; DBAs and IT managers; and CIOs and line-of-business leaders.

Application developers want to be able to spin up a dev/test environment that is preconfigured with automated maintenance, patching upgrading access to the common tools support and scalability. For ISVs, as well, the ability to SaaS applications globally ensuring performance, security, and uptime is critical.

DBAs and IT managers who are stretched thin and need to improve their operational efficiency with security, performance and uptime that they expect from an enterprise cloud service with the ability to move workloads between on premises and cloud. “They are only willing to leverage a cloud service if they can change their mind at any point.”

CIOs are embracing the born in the cloud philosophy and saying they want to reduce TCO and find a way to modernize the infrastructure and focus on innovative projects rather than devoting weeks to spinning up a dev/test environment. And, in an offshoot of this category of users,  Malakar said Oracle is also hearing from line-of-business leaders, who seek better collaboration between business and IT so the business side  is not” held hostage by IT” when they need  to do something quickly.

The value proposition for the MySQL Cloud services is simple, said Malakar. A key aspect of the service is its automated management, with self-service provisioning, backup, and the ability to use established tools such as the MySQL Enterprise Monitor, Query Analyzer, and Workbench, as well as the use of Oracle Enterprise Manager to monitor MySQL and the entire Oracle environment from a single console. In addition, the service offers security capabilities including authentication, encryption, and auditing, elastic scaling for changing requirements, and the availability of technical support services.

In the next few weeks, as well, said Malakar, the Oracle MySQL Cloud Service will also provide support for multiple availability domains so that organizations can leverage MySQL replication to replicate MySQL instances across different availability domains in a region to support high availability. 

For more information, go to the product page here and the documentation page here.
