
Oracle Database Management and the Future

Oracle DBAs and managers are under pressure to deliver high-performing and responsive systems that can scale with the business. Many enterprises are turning to cloud solutions and automation to reduce costs and increase their agility and capacity.

The use of public cloud services among Oracle database sites is increasing, particularly in the area of backup and recovery. At the same time, most transaction environments still remain on-premises today.

For most Oracle environments, the future is pointing towards a hybrid cloud model. However, licensing and support issues, along with skills shortages, are also standing in the way of further growth.

DBTA recently held a webinar with Joe McKendrick, independent analyst and author, Don Sullivan, product line marketing manager for business critical applications and database, VMware, Sudhir Balasubramanian, staff solution architect – Oracle Technology Lead (CPBU TMM), VMware, and Phil Hummel, data science & Microsoft tech marketing, EMC, reviewed brand new market research on the current technology landscape, including the growth of cloud and automation, as well as biggest challenges impeding Oracle database teams today.

Unisphere Research, the IOUG, VMware, and Dell EMC conducted a survey that identified the following trends:

  • Database environments are sizable and complex
  • Licensing/support costs is the number one challenge for users looking to expand Oracle databases and apps
  • Optimizing licensing costs by controlling the number of servers is the most critical infrastructure attribute when implementing Oracle workloads
  • When it comes to introducing automation to data operations, backup, and recovery comes first
  • The use of public cloud services amongst Oracle customers is growing, and that growth is accelerating
  • Most public cloud growth is currently being driven by backup and recovery supporting transaction environments
  • Cost reduction is the main benefit anticipated and sold with cloud, but agility and capacity are more likely to be realized in existing deployments
  • Many issues, including security concerns, are preventing or delaying the adoption of public cloud services
  • While licensing is top-of-mind for most data managers subscribing to cloud services, there are still many with other priorities
  • Most organizations are still sizing hosts and clusters to meet exact performance specifications to optimize Oracle licensing
  • Amazon Web Services, Oracle, Microsoft are the top public cloud choices for Oracle customers right now

Oracle database teams are under pressure to deliver high-performing and responsive systems that can scale with the business , Oracle databases environments are growing in size and complexity , and licensing/support costs are increasing.

For most Oracle environments, the future is pointing towards a hybrid cloud model, according to the survey.

According to the roundtable of experts, moving forward, Oracle DBAs and managers need to be more proactive in properly balancing the speed and scale demands of the business, while optimizing licensing costs, especially as more and more organizations move towards a hybrid cloud model.

An archived on-demand replay of this webinar is available here.
