
Observe Debuts AI-Powered Observability Capabilities, Closes $145M in Recent Funding

Observe, Inc., the SaaS observability company, is launching “Project Voyager,” its most significant product update yet that introduces an AI Investigator along with OpenTelemetry-Native APM and Snowflake Observability, enabling Engineering, DevOps, and SRE teams to troubleshoot incidents faster and improve customer experience.

The company also announced the closing of $145 million in Series B funding with the most recent investments by Evolution Equity Partners and Madrona Ventures. Madrona Managing Director Soma Somasegar also joins Observe’s board of directors, effective immediately. The Series B funding will be used to further build out engineering and sales functions to keep pace with growth expectations in the second half of the year. 

Observe continues to simplify—delivering a single observability product for all telemetry data and tooling, and a unique AI-powered approach to troubleshooting which provides on-call engineers with the information they need, when they need it, the company said.

“The introduction today of Observe APM fulfills the original vision we had for Observe—to ingest data into a single data lake, analyze it using a single query language and access it through a single consistent user interface,” said Jeremy Burton, CEO of Observe Inc. “Next, Observe’s AI Investigator clearly outlines our vision for the future—a world in which a network of intelligent agents will work on behalf of, and in conjunction with, on-call engineers to further reduce MTTR.”

Observe’s AI Investigator orchestrates a network of domain-specific AI agents, assisting engineers in quickly identifying and resolving issues.

AI agents are finely tuned for specific tasks such as accessing runbooks or prior incidents, understanding Kubernetes, AWS or Github, or generating queries to interact with Observe. When incidents are resolved, summaries are generated and used to train AI agents, so they get smarter over time.

AI Agents are orchestrated by a master “AI Planner” which drives the troubleshooting workflow. This can be thought of as a digital companion or assistant to the on-call engineer.

Project Voyager’s OpenTelemetry-Native APM provides immediate visibility into the services, traces, and spans of all applications instrumented using the OpenTelemetry standard. According to the company, unlike many legacy vendors, Observe exclusively uses the upstream OpenTelemetry agent for instrumentation—nothing proprietary is included.  

Finally, Voyager introduces Snowflake Observability, now available in the Snowflake Marketplace and offers 1TiB/month of Snowflake data for free.

This integration allows developers to gain critical insights into query performance and application health without moving telemetry data outside of Snowflake, ensuring maximum security and efficiency. 

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