
ODPI Introduces New Project to Set Metadata Standards

Open Source Summit North America -- ODPi, a nonprofit organization accelerating the open ecosystem of big data solutions, is introducing a new project that supports the free flow of metadata between different solutions.

The project, titled Egeria, enables organizations to locate, manage, and use their data more effectively. The solution is an open source driven platform designed to set a standard for leveraging metadata in line of business applications, and enabling metadata repositories to federate across the enterprise.

Egeria is built on open standards and delivered via Apache 2.0 open source license. The ODPi Egeria project creates a set of open APIs, types and interchange protocols to allow all metadata repositories to share and exchange metadata.

From this common base, it adds governance, discovery and access frameworks for automating the collection, management and use of metadata across an enterprise.

The result is an enterprise catalog of data resources that are transparently assessed, governed and used in order to deliver maximum value to the enterprise.

“Egeria’s open source metadata management presents an exciting opportunity to rethink both management and governance of data to provide greater trust and flexibility in how we all share and consume data,” said John Mertic, director of program management, ODPi. “Egeria’s open governance model allows our community and practitioners to develop and evolve the base for use in any offerings and deployments.”

Egeria Project Objectives

The Egeria project focuses on: Automation, Business Value and Connectivity.

  • Automation -- Providing an API for components that capture metadata from data platforms as data sources are created and changed. This metadata is stored in the metadata repository and results in notifications to alert governance and discovery services about the new/changed data source. It provides frameworks and servers to host bespoke components that automate the capture of detailed metadata and the actions necessary to govern data and its related assets.
  • Business Value -- Open metadata and governance provides specialized access services and user interfaces for key data roles such as CDO, Data Scientist, Developer, DevOps Operator, Asset Owner, and Applications. This enables metadata to directly support the work of people in the organization. The access services can also be used by tools from different vendors to deliver business value with open metadata.
  • Connectivity -- Connectivity enables a peer-to-peer Metadata Highway, offering open metadata exchange, linking and federation between heterogeneous metadata repositories.

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