Ntirety Inc. has expanded its remote database services beyond Oracle and SQL Server to include MySQL, the open source database. Ntirety has assembled a team of expert MySQL database administrators to provide its signature "Database Administration As a Service" to customers utilizing the open source platform.
Previously, Ntirety had informally serviced MySQL databases for clients running Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server databases. In the first quarter of the year, Ntirety tested a formal MySQL service. With the official launch of its remote DBA services for MySQL, Ntirety is offering new MySQL customers 10% off monthly fees when signing a one-year service agreement.
"We have actually been working on it internally for well over a year," Michael Corey, CEO of Ntirety, tells 5 Minute Briefing. "We take managing somebody's database very seriously," he notes. "Before we would ever officially launch the practice we wanted to make sure that we did it right-find the right tools, how are we going to monitor the environment, even philosophically, how are we going to hire the people?"
Ntirety is adapting its service model to the world of MySQL and has assembled a team of database experts with experience and training in the open source database. "We decided to take very seasoned Oracle DBAs and retrain them in MySQL because we felt they would bring a certain level of professionalism into how they approach a MySQL database." In addition, Ntirety has hired Michael A. Calisi, a database architect and DBA, as the MySQL practice lead.
"We are U.S.-based and we are mostly senior talent and we are trying to bring that level of professionalism to the MySQL arena. We take the fact that people are running their businesses on this database very seriously," Corey says. "Our approach is that we are going to hire the best possible talent and then we are going to leverage them with technology, i.e., our database appliance, and make that person in the U.S. more scalable, more productive, and we are going to maintain quality."
According to the company, an Ntirety customer sees a greater than 40% savings compared to other database administration options, and Ntirety monitors and maintains customer databases 24x7x365. Customers typically hire Ntirety to augment their existing IT staff or fill gaps left by vacancies.
For more information, go to Ntirety's website. Read Michael Corey's blog here.