
New Version of jBASE Introduces RESTful Services

Zumasys is launching a new version of its jBASE platform, introducing RESTful Services to the MultiValue platform.

Native RESTful Services in jBASE 5.6 allows users to bypass proprietary APIs and open their jBASE database to any language environment, web service, or application.

Developers can now unleash the power of their application and communicate in a modern way with powerful web services and SaaS applications, like Salesforce, Dynamics or NetSuite.

Additionally, the update increases the granularity of logging options to enable deeper event audits for customers with even the most stringent compliance requirements. Users can set logging options globally or at an individual file level.

The update includes native data encryption that allows users to choose between file-level encryption and spooler-level encryption while maintaining the high performance.

Zumasys updated the System Manager Update with improved file management capabilities,audit logging configuration capabilities, and user session management.

And the latest enhancements improve Transaction Journaling, making it simpler to administer and maintain and ensuring replication of the jBASE database.

With the introduction of 64 bit transaction logs, log sizes are no longer limited to 2GB and only need a single file per log set. In addition, transaction log sets can be configured to switch automatically, allowing users to specify when logsets switch based on the percentage of disk usage.

For more information about this update, visit
