
New Release of OpenText Integration Center Helps Customers Leverage Structured and Unstructured Content

OpenText has announced the release of a new version of OpenText Integration Center featuring an enhanced, native connector to OpenText ECM Suite 2010. Helping customers better leverage their structured and unstructured content, OpenText Integration Center unifies access to multiple sources of disparate information from OpenText ECM Suite for applications such as business systems integration, legacy decommissioning, in-place content management and content migration. 

Most integration technologies are siloed, focusing on either structured data in databases or content in document repositories, but not both,  Janet Luisser, senior program manager, connectivity, at OpenText, tells 5  Minute Briefing.  With OpenText Integration Center, which inherently understands both structured data and unstructured content, customers can give business decision makers easy access to corporate information assets through ECM Suite 2010. This allows them to take advantage of powerful analytics, semantic search and rich interactive user interfaces to boost productivity and improve decision making.

The definition of data has been rapidly changing and today there is a lot more relevant unstructured data being created than ever before. No longer can customers look only to data warehouses for information that is traditionally found in structured databases, nor can they solely focus on content and its lifecycle as a separate discipline. The combination of emerging 2.0 technologies, global competition, and strict compliance polices are driving a need to analyze the whole new world of information that exists and analyze its content alongside the traditional corporate data. By helping to bring together both structured and unstructured content the OpenText ECM Suite is offering customers a solution that helps them reduce costs during a challenging economy, and also helps them extract more benefit out of their information.

The new release of OpenText Integration Center, together with OpenText ECM Suite 2010, provides enhanced, integrated ECM support making it easier to design, integrate, and implement content integration projects.  According to OpenText, typical applications of the technology include:

Content Migration - OpenText Integration Center offers migration features to move content from one or many repositories to any new destination with all its metadata and context. It helps to automate the movement of content while delivering content integrity and operational efficiency.

Legacy System Decommissioning - Customers can archive data from any application and automatically apply lifecycle management rules, such as records management classifications, retention rules, and schedules through ECM Suite 2010.

Data Archiving - With a global policy to integrate retention of structured and unstructured content into one archiving system, customers can be assured of speedy and accurate collection of historical information with a full audit history.

Systems Integration - OpenText Integration Center represents "a new generation of integration solutions" that transforms, cleanses, enriches and directs information across the entire spectrum of decision support systems and corporate applications, for integrations that include data warehouses, data marts, mainframe systems, ERP systems, CRM systems, and content management platforms.

OpenText Information Center 8.0 inherently understands both the unstructured world and the unstructured world to bring together information for a complete view of the business, says Luisser. The new release of OpenText Integration Center is available now. For more information, go to:
